martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

My opinions

-What dou you think is the most thrilling sport?
I think the most thrilling sport is skiin because every day that you practice is different because you don't know what the snow is like that day. I practice ski since 8 years ago and every day I like it more.
-What is the most dangerous sport?Why?
In my opinion the most dangerous sport is parachuting because you don't know what can happen to you when you set the floor. I've never practiced it but one day I want to try and feel new sensations.
-Which is more exciting, surfing or skiing?
I feel better when I practice skiing than surfing. I practice surfing only once but I think it's too difficult. This summer when I go to Llancà I want to practice it.
-Are movies too violent this days?
It seems to me that there are a lot of different movies. But I thnik there are movies where there is violence and more violence. But you can also try for other types of movies.
-Should scientists clone humans?
I don't think clone humans is a good thing because there is only one person with their carachteristics and if you clone a person, after that, there are two persons completely similar.
-How do you like pizza?
If you ask me, I like pizza with a lot of cheese and tomatoes. I prefer simple pizzas without many things.

1 comentario:

carmina dijo...

Good job ARNAU! You're getting into the correct working procedure.
You deserve a B+. it's not an A because of the lack of links in the fairy tale writing.